I’ve found Perfection.

It’s in Nevada.

A Google search tells me about a place called Perfection, Nevada. I imagine that living in a place called Perfection would be quite special. Immediately the mind paints a picture of a place where everything is exactly how I imagine it should be.

Apparently, though, Perfection, Nevada doesn’t really exist. It is the name of a fictitious town in the 1990 movie Tremors. And the place where everything is exactly how I imagine it should be? That place doesn’t really exist, either.

Perfection is perhaps the cruelest of all expectations. It allows us to place unrealistic parameters on situations outside of our control, parameters that serve as the unattainable benchmark for our own inner happiness.

While Perfection may not be found on a map, there is one place where it does exist.

Within each of us.

Each of us were created with a divine purpose in mind and given all the talents, gifts and abilities we need to ensure that our purpose is realized. That is our perfection. It’s got nothing to do with the world around us; it’s all about discovering and expressing the world within us.

But how often do we acknowledge our own perfection? Far too often the dialog we have with ourselves puts the focus on what is missing, on what isn’t good enough, on all of our perceived shortcomings that simply prevent us from living up to the worldly view of perfection.

But everything changes when we embrace our own divine perfection.

If you’re looking for perfection, please stop looking.

You’ve had it all along.

It’s a great day to be you!

2 thoughts on “Finding Perfection in Imperfect Places

  1. As someone who has struggled for as long as I can remember with the belief that “I need to be perfect to be loved”, this post is extremely liberating and a great reminder of what I’ve been learning in the past years: embracing my perfect imperfection 🙂
    Thank you as always Peter!


    1. Catherina, thank you for your words. I’m starting to understand that the concept of imperfection requires a judgment, an opinion that we empower which we use to define many things, including our own worth and value. When we accept ourselves as we already are we rediscover that yes, we already are perfect at being who we already are. Glad that you’re embracing the perfect you!


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